The Director of Emergency Preparedness coordinates the Critical Incident Management Program and emergency procedures. These are designed to be an all-hazards disaster response and emergency management ...
A comprehensive disaster preparedness plan is essential to keeping calm tenants and minimal business disruptions during an unexpected disaster.
In the event of a fire, activate the building’s fire alarm system BEFORE calling 911. Evacuate the building immediately. Refer to the Fire/Evacuation Procedures section for more information. Stay on ...
Building evacuations will occur when the evacuation alarm sounds and/or upon direction by the Emergency Response Coordinator or ... students and visitors. The following procedures should be followed ...
students and guests in the event of an emergency on campus. Every employee should become familiar with this guide, and new employees should be trained to follow these procedures and the building ...
This section contains general emergency response procedures to be followed in the absence of department ... and potential emergency situations that might necessitate a building evacuation including ...
A specific person should be designated to inform emergency personnel of the disabled persons location. If rescue is deemed necessary, qualified personnel will assist in the evacuation.
Section 404.1 states that fire safety and evacuation plans are to comply with the requirements of this section. Section 404.2 states that an approved fire safety and evacuation plan is to be ... and ...
In the wake of devastating fires that have threatened the region in recent years, Moorpark, Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks have teamed up to finalize a comprehensive emergency evacuation awareness plan ...
Additional information about fire drills and evacuation procedures for residence ... prepares and maintains such a plan for each building meeting the code requirement. These plans are the ...
As more than a million acres burn across Oregon, the Cascades Raptor Center representatives say their emergency evacuation ... As new procedures and policies are developed, the plan is always ...
Emergency procedures are posted in each building and provided to new employees at orientation. All residential buildings have two evacuation drills each semester. The purpose of this plan is to ensure ...