Every family should have a Storm Readiness Kit. Here are suggestions for how to make three kits: basic, upgraded and ultimate ...
For emergency kits, they recommend the following essential supplies: Non-perishable food (if including canned foods, remember a can opener) Additional items such as baby supplies, pet food, and warm ...
Emergencies, be they natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods, or human-made crises such as power grid ...
Kern County Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Services March is Emergency Preparedness Month, and the Kern County Office of Emergency Services and the Kern County Fire Department ...
Be it a weather event, car trouble or other type of emergency situation, these safety expert-suggested tools and products may ...
The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006 (PETS Act), signed into law on October 6, 2006, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, requires local and state emergency preparedness ...
For under $50, this well-rated Everstart emergency kit packs a punch with the essentials you’ll want on hand when trouble hits. Jumper cables, a tire inflator, a first aid kit, a flashlight, knit ...
With that in mind, we’ve updated our list of items you should have accessible in your vehicle as part of a winter emergency kit.
home-repair and disaster-response specialists agree that homeowners should have a preparedness kit at the ready for when the unexpected hits. Whether it is an emergency-kit backpack, weatherproof ...