An unseen animated episode of popular TV show Worzel Gummidge has been unearthed. The original ITV show ran for four series from 1979, featuring Doctor Who star Jon Pertwee as talking scarecrow ...
Beloved kids’ TV show Worzel Gummidge has been entertaining children for years, and the famous scarecrow is back for a Christmas 2020 reboot. THE BBC has come under fierce scrutiny after eagle ...
Mackenzie Crook intends to bring back 'Worzel Gummidge'. The 53-year-old actor wrote, directed and played the titular role in the scarecrow drama on BBC One between 2019 and 2021 and thinks there is ...
a most important day for scarecrows as they must stand in position to guide Santa Claus back to the North Pole. Worzel Gummidge, however, deserts his post to enjoy the delights of the season.