In a chilling tale of lawlessness within the Uganda Police Force, No. 60574 Police Constable (PC) Alex Katungi, attached to the Environmental Police Unit, has been accused of orchestrating a reign of ...
Mobile air defense squads are largely armed with machine guns — a cost-effective way of knocking down drones. The three-man ...
A bill was introduced to the Idaho Legislature to make death by firing squad the main style of execution in the state.
A bill was introduced Tuesday to make the firing squad the primary method of execution by the state. Currently, the state’s ...
Idaho could become the first state to use death by firing squad as its primary method of execution if a new bill passes.
Idaho has not carried out any executions by firing squads and a facility for such executions needs to be built. It is among the states that have turned to alternative methods after struggling to ...
Rep. Bruce Skaug, R-Nampa, introduced the bill Tuesday, which would make Idaho the only U.S. state to give preference to a ...
According to the Whitman County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, it ruled that the officer's use of deadly force was lawful.
Calling the current system inhumane and problematic, a state lawmaker wants to give voters the chance to replace the current ...
A bulletproof vest saved a SWAT police officer’s life just before he returned fire and killed a fleeing man Friday in an ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A South Carolina inmate who has spent more than half his life on death row has chosen to die by lethal ...
Samuel Cal Flowers, 26, of St. Paul, has also been charged with 1st-degree assault, illegal gun possession, drug possession, ...