The Soloviev Foundation announced today its collaboration with the Museum of the American Revolution and Donna Lawrence Productions to produce an imme ...
When President Donald Trump ordered an across-the-board freeze on all grants, loans and federal financial assistance on ...
In October 2024, employees at the company discovered that someone with access to its DoorDash portal, a third-party ... Stoughton Police Chief Donna McNamara said in a press release Thursday.
A now-scrapped policy proposed by the mayor’s office would have restricted how council members could talk to city agencies to ...
The Board of Supervisors is slated Tuesday to approve a resolution reinforcing Riverside County’s commitment to “safeguarding ...
Supervisor Perez says measure would pave way for resource expansion, says "there’s no language referring to this becoming a ...
This all makes perfect sense to me. And so from Iceland, off to Spain I went. There, at the Donna Portals, a sleek Majorcan hotel on the quiet sandy shores of Portals Nous, I baked myself under ...
For a short time on Tuesday, organizations that rely on federal dollars, like Denver Health, did not know if that money would ...
Local officials discuss potential effects on programs Staff, wire reports A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked a ...
National signing day is fast approaching, a day that was once held sacred in collegiate circles but now grows quieter with each passing year. The advent of an e ...