The winter adventurer was among the fastest rookie mushers covering 1,128 miles over more than 13 days across Alaska.
The Tolovana Roadhouse — built in 1924 and used to provide shelter during the Serum Run of 1925 — once again hosted mushers ...
TOLOVANA ROADHOUSE — On the dark, frozen white plain of the Tanana River, a white dot appeared in the night. It was the ...
Matthew Failor mushed his dog team across Alaska in the Iditarod to find out the gender of his next child Saturday night in ...
Hundreds of dogs, 33 mushers, and thousands of onlookers are gathering along the trail of the 53rd Iditarod this year.The ...
The front three mushers in this year's race have reached mile marker 958, while a crew prepares to unveil the newest edition ...
Mansfield native and sled dog musher Matthew Failor finished his 14th Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on Saturday night in Nome.
Jessie Holmes, Matt Hall and Paige Drobny have jockeyed for first for much of the race, leapfrogging one another on the trail ...