Speaking to The Indian Express on telephone, former MP and Joint Secretary of the AL, Mahbubul Alam Hanif, estimated that there may still be over 3 lakh of their party workers who were in hiding in ...
New textbooks will say that Ziaur Rahman, not Bangabandhu Mujibur Rahman, proclaimed Bangladesh independence on March 26 ...
On March 26, 1971, Ziaur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh, and on March 27, he made another declaration of independence on behalf of Bangabandhu', a Daily Star report reads.
PHOTOS: Thousands march in Bangladesh calling for the ousted prime minister's prosecution The student leaders want the proclamation to include two key demands: a new constitution after the 1972 ...
Thousands of people have rallied in Bangladesh’s capital to demand the ... Student Movement organised what it called the March for Unity on Tuesday at the Central Shaheed Minar, a national ...