Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Wildfires that destroyed two neighborhoods made the state’s housing shortage even worse. Now, opposition is growing to ...
A fire in a two-story center hall apartment building in Westlake was knocked down Sunday. Flames and heavy smoke was reported emerging from the second floor and attic of the building in the 600 block ...
It was reported at around 6:30 p.m. at a two-story building in the 600 block of S. Cardondelet Street, according to the Los ...
Just before 10:30 a.m. Friday, firefighters received reports of a structure fire at an apartment complex in the 20900 block of Costa Brava in Newhall, said Howard Tieu, spokesperson for the Los ...
Los Angeles County Fire Department crews and Covina police officers responded to a fire at an abandoned apartment complex in the 500 block of East Rue Royale Street in the city of Covina.
Los Angeles Fire Chef Kristin Crowley has been removed from her position by Mayor Karen Bass after wildfires that killed dozens and destroyed hundreds of homes.
A new Los Angeles City Council proposal aims to allow single-staircase buildings, a change advocates say would make room for ...
The former Los Angeles fire chief ousted by Mayor Karen Bass after the most destructive wildfire in city history is seeking ...
A new poll of registered voters in Los Angeles County by the UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies, and co-sponsored by ...
A new wildfire was reported today at 4:20 p.m. in Los Angeles County. Del Fire has been burning on private land. There is no ...
Palisades Fire initially started 10:30 a.m. Jan. 7 in Los Angeles County. It has burned 23,706.6 acres after being active for ...