Crisis or opportunity? Ofer Petersburg explores key real estate questions: where the money is and what lies ahead for Israel's housing market.
A four-year-old boy died after he was fatally crushed between the lift doors while playing near the elevator in Hyderabad on ...
The Trump administration is halting a $1 billion program that helps preserve affordable housing, threatening projects that ...
Plans have been submitted to develop townhouses and apartments which would replace a former garage in Chadderton.
A Gulfport apartment complex built in 1965 is undergoing major renovations, leaving some tenants looking for a new place to stay.
Baltimore County Police have filed charges against five of the eight juveniles involved in a violent assault on a 12-year-old boy, Kayson Longo, at ...
GreenSlate will apply for $15 million in Tax Increment Financing. The application is expected to be on the April Planning ...
Jacksonville Marine accused by police of murdering his wife with his car now has a two-million-dollar bond, and it is also ...
The Fort Worth Fire Department responded to a fire call at the Crest at River Apartments in the 100 block of Roberts Cut Off Road.
The preliminary project plan intends to turn the 0.34-acre lot, located at 3440 Sandrock Road, into 59 affordable homes, ...
A brand new art and design center could soon be built on a piece of land that used to be connected to I-195. I guess this was ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — A 58-year-old man was fatally struck by a vehicle while walking on a sidewalk in south Columbus on ...