Years ago, a family member was diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer: Liposarcoma of the Spermatic Cord. Fewer than 200 ...
Eye diseases often develop asymptomatically for many years. ICTER scientists have developed the f-ORG technique, which ...
A new "self-driving" microscope developed by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers solves two fundamental challenges ...
Cells in the developing heart must find the perfect match, much like a game of microscopic speed dating. Using filopodia—tiny ...
In this detailed study, Cohen and Ben-Shaul characterized Accessory Olfactory Bulb (AOB) cell responses to various conspecific urine samples in female mice across the estrous cycle. The authors found ...
A more affordable, lower-risk polio vaccine is on the horizon, research led by the University of Leeds has found.
Where there’s water, there are waves. But what if you could bend water waves to your will to move floating objects? Nanyang ...
Viral vectors expressing proneural genes can stimulate adult mammalian retinal glia to become immature neurons. These glia-derived neurons share properties with the bipolar, amacrine and retinal ...
Researchers in Israel discovered a part of the body known to recycle proteins can also generate bacteria-killing chemicals.
In biology, seeing can lead to understanding, and researchers in Professor Edward Boyden's lab at the McGovern Institute for ...
In biology, seeing can lead to understanding, and researchers in Professor Edward Boyden 's lab at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research are ...
Created by microscopic artist David A. Lindon, the record-breaking sculpture measures just 0.00099 by 0.00086 inches and ...