When Jonathan Bryan started school he was given the label PMLD, which stands for profound and multiple learning disabilities.
The global smart wheelchair market has shown steady growth, with a CAGR of 6.7% from 2018 to 2023. This trend is expected to continue, reaching a projected market value of USD 393.5 million by 2034.
The young disabled poet Davoren Hanna, who was born 50 years ago on March 12th, touched many people during his short life.
Service dogs trained in North Carolina prisons are changing lives, not just for the people who need them, but for the inmates who train them.
Like many others, Keipinger worries about possible cuts to federal safety nets like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance ...
Medicaid has allowed Keipinger to be autonomous, providing the funding for an electric wheelchair that she ... on medical teams to treat her cerebral palsy. Over the years, Allison became more ...
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Dear Editor: I’m an author with severe cerebral palsy living independently in Madison ... I go out in the community by myself riding the bus and using an electric wheelchair to get around. I do my ...
Last week, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) paid disability grants to over a million beneficiaries across the ...
A free sensory room commemorating a student with cerebral palsy has opened at Westfield London as a measure of greater ...
Hitting the gym is a routine for many fitness enthusiasts, with pull-ups being one of the toughest exercises that test upper ...