President Trump will be pausing the planned tariff on Mexico for one month and Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum announced ...
The International Wines and Spirits Competition (IWSC) has released its 2024 Vodka of the Year, a diverse collection of 10 top-ranked vodkas that its judging panel has carefully selected.
Eric Trump has had discussions about launching a new line of Trump-branded vodka in the United States, according to people familiar with the matter, but it was unclear whether the deal would be ...
I like to try a new one every month or so, and as I searched for a comforting winter dish, I stumbled on Garten's penne alla vodka. The dish was inspired by one of Garten's favorite dishes ...
Švédka Maja Dahlqvistová a Nór Erik Valnes zvíťazili v sobotňajšom šprinte klasicky na podujatí Svetového pohára v behu na lyžiach v talianskom Cogne. Slovenský reprezentant Denis Tilesch nepostúpil z ...
Priamo na mieste mali byť podľa svedka títo muži: Križanovič, Richard Benčič alias Kofola, Milan Majtán alias Starý alebo Otarený (tí mali podľa svedka aj strieľať), Marek Lupták alias Tlstý Marek a ...
You may have banished the idea of $3 vodka shooters to bygone uni days, but the king of colourless high-proof spirits still deserves a good reframing. If Bourbon or Tequila are proving a little too ...
On ale vinu odmieta. Pred vyše 14 rokmi v 2010 predviedli na súd v Bratislave Antona Cvešpera. Kľúčového svedka v prípadoch únosov a dvoch mafiánskych vrážd. Priznával, že na jednej sa aj sám podieľal ...