Arcadia has a long history both as an actual location and as an inspiration for artists and poets as an idyllic environment.
For leaders who built empires throughout history, The Aeneid has been a blueprint for how to take over land that belongs to ...
One of the blueprints for imperialism has always been The Aeneid, by the Roman poet Virgil, working between 29 and 19 BCE. It tells the story of Aeneas, a Trojan leader on the run with his son ...
A notable recent trend in popular history is the revival of interest in the ancient world. Mary Beard, Tom Holland, Bettany ...
Ukrainian Archbishop on how Christian ethics informs a peaceful resolution; human rights in the age of how our data is ...
The abomination fixes the petrified man with a baleful, inhuman stare. “Et in Arcadia ego,” as the Roman poet Virgil said: “I, too, am in Arcadia.” The “I” in question is Death — in ...
The Roman poet Virgil (70-19 BCE) wrote an epic version of the Trojan War titled The Aeneid, which took a different perspective. Instead of following the Achaeans and heroes such as Achilles and ...
Cy Twombly, Untitled, 1971; oil-based house paint and wax crayon on canvas, in nine parts, 101 3/8 x 33 inches each. © Cy ...