Mwenyekiti wa Jumuiya ya Wazazi wa Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Kata ya Chitete wilayani Ileje Mkoa wa Songwe, Halisoni ...
Mwenyekiti wa Jumuiya ya Wazazi wa Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Kata ya Chitete wilayani Ileje Mkoa wa Songwe, Halisoni Mwampashi (62) amefariki dunia baada ya kuuawa na watu wasiojulikana.
Musa Basuka (30) mkazi wa Kitongoji cha Manyanya katika Mamlaka ya Mji Mdogo wa Makongolosi Wilaya ya Chunya mkoani Mbeya, anashikiliwa na Jeshi la Polisi kwa tuhuma za kumuua rafiki yake kwa ...
WAZIRI Mkuu, Kassim Majaliwa ameshuhudia makabidhiano ya matrekta matano kati ya Wizara ya Kilimo na Halmashauriya Wilaya ya Ruangwa. Makabidhiano hayo ni utekelezaji wa awamu ya kwanza ya mpango wa ...
Chinese art is booming. The country has been experiencing a major economic uplift for more than a decade and you can feel that in the art world too.
February 26th Slime Ya HB, also known as National Backdoor Day, refers to memes and jokes in which TikTokers joke about getting backstabbed or "slimed" by their friends or "homeboys" on February 26th, ...
Amazon international execs have opened up on its lean into romance-driven young adult drama and how it plans to keep surfing the YA wave. The two Spain-produced adaptations of Mercedes Ron’s ...
A viral BookTok hit is now a hit movie on Prime Video, with the release of My Fault: London. Author Ron began writing on Wattpad in 2015 and published “Culpa Mia” on the site in 2017. That was ...
Jodie Langel's trusty vocal technique took on a life of its own last year when the "Raise Your Ya Ya Ya" trend took over musical theatre TikTok and beyond. The Broadway alum and theatrical ...