In general, my research deals with signal processing techniques in wireless communication systems. This means mostly physical layer in addition to some MAC layer work. Research topics include in-band ...
Visa Koivunen (IEEE Fellow, EURASIP Fellow) received the D.Sc. (Tech.) degree with honors from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. He received the primus ...
Dr. Li is now a PhD supervisor in Finland, he received the B.E. degree in information engineering and the M.E. degree in electrical engineering from Shandong University, Ji'nan, China, and the Ph.D.
I am an assistant professor in the Theoretical Computer Science group (TCS) at Aalto University. I create and analyse algorithms that deal with geometric content, such as points, curves, or shapes, as ...
I'm interested in understanding the world around us through networks describing how things are connected. Through the structure of these connections, we can understand some aspects of how a system ...
Aalto-yliopiston ja Maanmittauslaitoksen yhteistyö on harvinaisen tiivistä, laaja-alaista ja pitkäjänteistä. Yhteistyöstä hyötyy koko kiinteistötekniikka- ja paikkatietoala.
Join us at Aalto Design System Day to learn how the Aalto Design System can help you speed up the design and development of your next digital touchpoint. Perfect for staff seeking to cut down on costs ...
Aalto University Junior Science Theatre events, intended for 9-12-year-old students, will begin on the Aalto University campus in cooperation with the City of Espoo First, there will be a presentation ...
Aalto University Junior Science Theatre events, intended for 9-12-year-old students, will begin on the Aalto University campus in cooperation with the City of Espoo First, there will be a presentation ...
Niin aikuisille kuin koululaisillekin suunnattujen tapahtumasarjojen tavoitteena on kertoa eri tieteenalojen tutkimuksesta kiinnostavalla tavalla, ja samalla tehdä Otaniemestä ja Espoosta houkutteleva ...
The Nokia Design Archive contains the visions that transformed how we connect. Through never-before-seen sketches, photographs, videos and interviews spanning from the mid 90s to 2017, online visitors ...
Suomen Akatemiaa koskevan lakiesityksen muotoilu on epäonnistunut ja jättää lain toimeenpanoon liikaa tulkinnanvaraa, kirjoittavat Aalto-yliopiston ja Helsingin yliopiston tutkimuksesta vastaavat ...